Partnering with clients and investees to build a better tomorrow
We exercise our influence through voting
We know that the actions we take today will resonate into the future.
At Barings, voting is a key way of making our voice heard on how companies are being run to achieve the best outcomes for clients; we also utilize a third-party proxy voting research provider, which includes ESG research.
In 2022, we voted in nearly 1,750 meetings. This included casting votes on 97.78% of eligible proposals. We attempt to vote on all proposals. However, we do not cast votes where there are instances of share blocking.
Below is a summary of our proxy voting records in 2022

Voting Against Management Following Board Governance Concerns
We engaged with a mall developer and operator based in India to discuss our concerns regarding the independence of the company’s board. The company currently has three independent directors who have been on the board for periods greater than 10 years.