Update on our Sustainability Journey

février 2022 – 2 min de lecture

As we begin this new year, the reality and urgency of climate change remains top of mind—and will likely play an increasingly prominent role in the investment industry for years to come.

At Barings, we believe each organization and individual has a role to play in tackling this enormous challenge. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the notable steps Barings is taking as we look to drive positive change and help create a sustainable economy, environment and society.

As part of our commitment to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions, we are pleased to announce that Barings met its goal of achieving operational greenhouse gas neutrality through offsets by the end of 2021. This means we have completed the next step in our net zero operations journey. Looking forward, we know that there is still progress to be made on our journey to net zero, and we will continue to take steps toward our commitment to create a more sustainable future for our clients, colleagues and communities.

Our Roadmap to Net Zero


We have also begun conducting our Barings materiality assessment. As part of this, we are engaging with stakeholders across our organization and communities, as well as with industry participants and clients, to better understand the challenges and initiatives we should consider—and to identify and prioritize the environmental, social and governance issues that matter most. In the coming months, we will share the preliminary findings of the study and detail the actions we plan to take across key priority areas for our business.  

As we look ahead to the remainder of the year, we would also like to highlight that Barings Social Impact is redefining its strategy to make a bigger impact within our communities. Recognizing that charitable giving means different things to different people, we will take a locally driven approach across our three regions—North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Our Social Impact team will work closely with global senior leaders to identify our strategic community investment partners, continuing to focus on affordable housing & homelessness, access to education & financial opportunity, and workforce/ work skills development. 

We look forward to sharing our progress with you in the coming months.

Sarah Munday

Head of Sustainability & ESG

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