The Fund invests principally in fixed income instruments that are issued by sovereign and/or quasi sovereign issuers of emerging markets countries or fixed income instruments that are economically tied to emerging market countries including fixed income instruments that are issued by corporate issuers that are economically tied to emerging market countries.

The Fund is subject to risks relating to investment, credit, downgrading, credit rating, volatility and liquidity, concentration, interest rate fluctuations, valuation and currency risks. The Fund’s investment may be concentrated in emerging markets and the value of the Fund may be more volatile. Investing in emerging markets may involve increased risks, including liquidity, currency/currency control, political and economic uncertainties, legal and taxation, settlement, custody and volatility risks.

The Fund’s investment in sub-investment grade or unrated debt instruments may be subject to higher liquidity, volatility and credit risks than investment grade instruments, as well as increased risk of loss of principal and interest. Investment in securities issued or guaranteed by governments may be exposed to political, social and economic risks and may suffer significant losses when there is a default of sovereign and/or quasi sovereign debt issuers.

RMB classes are subject to RMB currency risks. RMB is currently not freely convertible and conversion of RMB is subject to foreign exchange control policies and restrictions. There is no guarantee that RMB will not be subject to depreciation. Under exceptional circumstances, payment of realisation proceeds and/or dividend payment from underlying investments to the Fund in RMB may be delayed.

The Fund may invest in derivatives for hedging and/or investment purposes which may involve counterparty/credit, liquidity, valuation, volatility and over-the-counter transaction risks. Exposure to derivatives may lead to a high risk of significant loss by the Fund.

The Fund’s investment in debt instruments with loss-absorption features (“LAP”) are subject to risks of contingent write-down or contingent conversion to ordinary shares upon occurrence of complex and unpredictable trigger events which may result in higher price volatility and total loss of amount invested. LAP may also be exposed to liquidity, valuation and sector concentration risk.

Dividends, at the discretion of the Directors, may be paid out of unrealised capital gains and/or gross income while charging some or all fees and expenses out of capital (which represent effectively paying dividends out of capital), resulting in an increase in distributable income. The Fund may also pay dividends directly out of capital. Payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or any capital gains attributable to that original investment and results in an immediate reduction of the Fund’s net asset value per share.

Investors may suffer substantial loss of their investments in the Fund.

Barings Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt Fund


Class G USD Monthly Distributing


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Emerging Markets


USD Monthly 74.250

As of 1/10/2024


Emerging Markets (“EM”) sovereign hard currency strategy. The Barings Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt Fund (“the Fund”) seeks to provide maximum total return consisting of both income and capital appreciation.


The Fund invests principally in fixed income instruments that are issued by sovereign and/or quasi-sovereign issuers of EM countries or fixed income instruments that are economically tied to EM countries including fixed income instruments that are issued by corporate issuers that are economically tied to EM countries.


Fund Facts

Fund Type


Inception Date




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Dealing Frequency


Management Charges


Inception Date
