Hong Kong Complaints Handling Policy
At Barings all of our clients are important to us, and we believe you have the right to a fair and swift service at all times. However, if you have a cause for a complaint, please contact our Complaint Officer by using one of the following options:
Telephone: (852) 2973 3406 / (852) 2973 3413
Fax: (852) 3009 2687
Email: hong.kong.compliance@barings.com
Writing to us directly at:
Compliance Department
Baring Asset Management (Asia) Limited
35/F, Gloucester Tower
15 Queen’s Road Central
Central, Hong Kong
Responding to your complaint
The complaint will be investigated internally, thoroughly, impartially and fairly. Barings will send a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint within 5 business days.
Barings will endeavour to investigate a complaint and to provide a final response to you within 8 weeks from the date of the receipt of the complaint under normal circumstances.