Barings Participation Investors

Ticker MPV


Share Price

USD 16.12

As of 3/31/2024

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Annual Report

Total Net Assets


As of 1/1/0001

Premium / (Discount) to NAV


As of 3/31/2024


USD 15.88

As of 3/31/2024

Primary Exchange


Fund Facts

About the Fund

First offered in 1988, Barings Participation Investors’ investment objective  is to maximize total return by providing a high level of current income, the potential for income growth and capital appreciation.

The principal investments are privately placed, below-investment-grade corporate debt obligations purchased directly from their issuers, which tend to be smaller companies domiciled in U.S. We also invest in publicly traded debt securities (including high yield) and in convertible preferred stocks and, subject to certain limitations, readily marketable equity securities. In addition to these equity securities, we may invest in high-quality, other readily marketable securities. 

We manage the Fund on a total return basis and distribute substantially all of its net income to each year via quarterly dividends.


Fund invests primarily in privately placed, below-investment grade debt obligations purchased directly from their issuers and often accompanied by equity features, with additional allocations to publicly traded debt securities, including high yield securities.

Inception Date


Dividend Reinvestment
