January 01, 2022

David Mihalick - Managing Director, US

I began my professional career in the military and during that time I developed a deep appreciation for how valuable a team-based culture is in helping an organization accomplish great things.

When I left the military in 2001 my career took a few twist and turns, but I eventually landed at Barings in 2008 and immediately knew I had found a company that understood the power of teamwork. I have been fortunate to build my career at Barings and have developed great relationships with colleagues all over the world.

While our business has grown and changed significantly over the years I think we have stayed true to our team-based culture and that gives me confidence that Barings will continue to experience great success in a fast-changing industry. 

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This document is issued by Baring Asset Management (Asia) Limited. It has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.